Members of the Elkhorn Estates and the community voice their anger and disagreement with the Board’s ongoing commercial rezoning efforts. A 2 step payroll policy change request reveals the level of disrespect and lack of professionalism by the leaders of the board.
- Thanks to all the members of Elkhorn Estates for speaking up about the request to rezone a neighboring property from residential to industrial Because of your voice, the board denied the rezoning. You put the Board leadership on defense as they contradicted their own words from previous meetings.
- 1:28:30 to 2:04:30 – Item 7.I – 2 Step Approval Process Policy – The Supervisor and Treasurer redirects the conversation to attack another board member and single out an employee who is not there to defend themself. This is a direct violation of township ethical and privacy policies. Their actions will very likely lead to a lawsuit against the Township for violating union contracts and employee privacy policy laws.
My Opinion:
This meeting displayed a complete failure in leadership. The Supervisor contradicts and denies his own words when challenged by members of the community on his agenda to commercialize. The Supervisor and Treasurer are unable to resolve basic payroll issues without bringing them to the public and using them to attack another member of the board. They appear to lack understanding of the union contracts, employee policies, and privacy laws that could lead to a lawsuit against the township.