Instead of denying an extreme commercial rezoning request, they pushed it until next summer pending the outcome of the Master Plan review. The Planning Commission appears to have an expectation of the outcome favoring this developer.
- 1:21:00 – An outside developer comes up to discuss a multi level rezoning request for property on VanDyke. A Planning Commission member brings up the changing of the Master Plan and tables the rezoning request a year based on what “might” happen during the Master Plan review. This is an unprecedented decision as this zoning would normally be denied. Multilevel rezoning is not currently allowed for in the Master Plan.
- This developer has spoken at other meetings, including July 17th, and the board’s response has been unprecedented. Is this developer getting special treatment?
- 1:45:30 – Thanks to all the residents standing up to voice their objection to the industrial commercialization requests. Some more later in the video as well. Your voice matters!
My Opinion:
Making unprecedented decisions at both the Planning Commission and the Board meetings for the same developer makes me question the intentions of our leadership. Are we catering to developers at multiple levels? The residents are overwhelmingly against this development, so who is pushing this agenda? The people’s voice should guide our leaders, not outside influences.